My Favorite Warrior Cat Videos

  This is the Warrior Cat video section of Aquene's Den. 
It contains my favorite warrior cat video's
I take video request so feel free to ask on FaceBook.

Tigerfire12 Made this video slideshow. 
And I say it is wonderful.

Go Here for SSS Warrior Cat Video's

SSS Warrior cats is a group who decided to make a fan animated series 
Of Warrior cats. They won't make it the exact same way like the book.
They will change it a little bit, not too much though.
It takes time for them to make the video so please wait for them to make it.
When they finish then I will post it.This is the first series, and no they won't make the others, because they only make this series when they have time

"What are these Warrior cats video's by SSS Warrior Cats?" some one my ask.
"First of all, I will put that down in the glossary, second the answer is right above."

Intro/Episode 1 part 1
"The Fight."


Episode 1 is about the intro and when Rust the kitty pet goes into the woods for the first time. I will put a warrior cat glossary soon.

Episode 1 part 2
"The meeting."


Rusty meets Graypaw the young apprentice. Graypaw tells him of the wild cats that  live in the forest and says he is one of them. But during that they get in trouble...

Episode 1 part 3
"Will You Join Thunder Clan?"


Rusty meets the leader of the clan Graypaw is in. He is asked many questions and it all leads up to one
"Will you join the clan?"
What will he answer?

Episode 2 Part 1
"The answer."

Rusty's answer is in this episode.
He also meets a very strange cat, that can fly.